SW-559: किनभने यो रोटी फुल्नेहरूको प्रदर्शन हो! म सँधै साइकल पार्किङमा भेट्ने एउटी छात्राले मलाई जिस्क्याउँदै आफ्नो फूलदेखाइन्, तर मैले उनलाई नराम्रो आँखाले हेरेकोले केटीहरू उत्साहित थिए र अनुम?
Because this is a show of bread bloomers! A female student I always meet at the bicycle parking lot showed me her bloomers while teasing me, but because I looked at her with naughty eyes, the girls were excited and could have sex without permission.