POST-451: म धेरै खेल्थें यो तबदेखि धेरै परिवर्तन भएको छ, मैले एक नातेदारसँग अनैतिक यौन सम्बन्ध राखेको छु जसलाई मैले धेरै वर्षमा पहिलो पटक अन्त्येष्टिमा भेटेको छु 3 "अरे, यो नगर्नुहोस्, यो अतीतमा यस्तो ?
I used to play a lot It's changed a lot since then, I've had unscrupulous sex with a relative who I met again for the first time in several years at a funeral 3 "Hey, don't do this, it wasn't like this in the past, hahaha"