SCPX-287: त्यो लालसा म्याडोना, जसले कुलीन वर्गसँग विवाह गर्नुपर्थ्यो र कम्पनीबाट सेवानिवृत्त हुनुपर्थ्यो, मिस डेरिहेरु बनेकी थिइन्! - यसलाई सबैबाट गोप्य राख्नुको सट्टा, ताकामिनको फूल माको रबरलेस उत
That longing Madonna, who should have married an elite and retired from the company, had become Miss Deriheru! - Instead of keeping it a secret from everyone, Takamine's flower mako is a rubberless production!