HND-964: विवाहको ठीक अघि, उनले मलाई स्वीकारिन् कि उनी मेरो बुबाबाट बलात्कारको बीउ × थिइन्। यति मात्र होइन, म विश्वास गर्न सक्दिनँ कि मलाई पहिले योनीबाट गोली लागेको थियो जुन मैले अहिलेसम्म गरेको छैन - ?
Just before the wedding, she confessed to me that she was × seeding rape from my father. What's more, I can't believe that I was passed over first a vaginal shot that I haven't done yet--Amu Hanamiya