JUL-569: "तिमीले मलाई यसरी भिजेको आँखाले हेर्यौ भने म त्यो गर्न चाहन्छु।" लामो समयदेखि लालायित एउटी सुन्दरी स्वास्नीको अस्तव्यस्त रूप देखेर म उत्साहित भएँ र मलाई बलात्कार × मदत मागेकी थिइन्। Maki Hojo
"If you look at me with such wet eyes, I want to commit it." I was excited by the disturbed appearance of a beautiful wife who had been longing for a long time and asked for help × raped me. Maki Hojo