NGOD-148: - यदि मैले क्लर्ककी पत्नीलाई ग्राहकको गुनासोको जवाफ दिन छोडें भने, मलाई अनुचित अनुरोधको लागि माफी माग्न लगाइयो, हटाइयो, रगडियो, र गति ... जब सम्म मैले यो महसुस गरें, मेरो शरीर र मन चोरी भइसकेको थ?
- If I left the clerk's wife to respond to the customer's complaint, I was made to apologize for an unreasonable request, taken off, rubbed, and paced ... By the time I realized it, my body and mind had been stolen ... Reiko Kobayakawa