ADN-545: लज्जाजनक सम्बन्ध काना-सानको बारेमा एक कथा, जसले आफ्नो चाबी गुमाइन् र यसलाई सहन सकिनन् र यसलाई ढोकामा चुहाइन्, एक प्रवृत्तिमा डुब्दै कि उनले आफ्नो भतिजा र पतिलाई बताउन सकिनन् जसले हेरिरहेका
Shameful Affair A story about Kana-san, who lost her key and couldn't stand it and leaked it at the door, drowning in a propensity that she couldn't tell her nephew and husband who happened to be watching. Kana Morisawa