START-304: Mana Sakura Għall-ewwel darba f'113-il jum, il-projbizzjoni fuq l-isparar tas-SESS tneħħiet. [Tnedija bla limitu] Għall-ewwel darba fl-istorja, l-ebda sparar sal-21 ta 'filgħodu, vaganza kompletament barra privata. - Fl-aħħar, f'lukanda b'żewġ persuni biss, irġiel u nisa jagħmlu sess li verament iridu lil xulxin.
Mana Sakura For the first time in 113 days, the ban on SEX shooting has been lifted. [Unlimited launch] For the first time in history, no shooting until 21 o'clock, a completely off private holiday. - At the end, at a hotel with only two people, men and women have sex that they really want each other.