CAWD-199: - L-unika esperjenza maskili hija għarus li ilu joħroġ għal 5 snin li ddedika l-verġinità tiegħu! Żagħżugħa ta' 20 sena li trabbiet f'Tokushima, fejn il-lanżit u d-djalett mhux mittiefsa huma naïve, trid tagħmel sess kemm jista' jkun qabel ma tiżżewweġ, u tagħmel id-debutt AV tagħha! Ayami Emoto (Diska Blu-ray)
- The only male experience is a boyfriend who has been dating for 5 years who has dedicated his virginity! A 20-year-old who grew up in Tokushima, where untouched bristles and dialect are naïve, wants to have sex as much as possible before getting married, and makes her AV debut! Ayami Emoto (Blu-ray Disc)