DOCD-044: - "Jekk tagħlaq, nagħtik l-affarijiet stupidi kollha" L-identità ta 'dak it-tifel sober kienet il-live streamer favorit tagħha bil-maskra! - L-imbuttatura li l-identità tagħha nstabet aċċettat ix-xewqat kollha tiegħi bil-kundizzjoni li nieqaf nitkellem!

- "If you shut up, I'll give you all the stupid things" The identity of that sober child was her favorite masked live streamer! - The push whose identity was found out accepted all of my desires on the condition that I stop talking!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 01/17/2025
Ħin tar-runtime: 171 min
Studjo: .DOC