IENF-359: - Jekk kelli oħt sabiħa li ħasditni talli ma kellix Sae, koxox vojta bil-wegħda li "sempliċement togħrok", ħassitha tajba wisq għal xulxin u Mako kien squeamish! - Inserzjoni mhux ipproċessata li tiżloq! "X'!? Qiegħed?" - Imma ma nistax nieqaf u sparat vaġinali! (IENF-359)
- If I had a beautiful sister who pityed me for not having Sae, bare thighs with the promise of "just rubbing it", it felt too good for each other and Mako was squeamish! - Slippery raw insertion! "What!? Are you in?" - But I can't stop and vaginal shot! (IENF-359)