FTHTD-087: Xokkanti!? Logħba tal-għaraq, twister mmerraq bejn in-nisa! Jekk tirbaħ, tirċievi siġill tad-deheb! - Jekk titlef, is-SESS squirrel nej immedjat jibda quddiem sħabek! Ħbieb spotty u eċċitati wkoll jaqbżu u jipparteċipaw! - Il-bidu tal-mistħija 3P!
Shocking!? A sweaty, juicy twister game between women! If you win, you will receive a gold seal! - If you lose, immediate raw squirrel SEX will start in front of your friends! Spotty and excited friends also jump in and participate! - The start of shame 3P!