SVMGM-033: L-isparar tal-kamp mgħolli Magic Mirror Hard-boiled huwa sfida għall-cosplayers li huma ħbieb tajbin biex jisfidaw! Jekk tista 'daqqa l-marea qabel sħabek, il-flus tal-premju jkunu 50,000 yen, u jekk titlef, immedjatament ikollok sparatura vaġinali! - Jekk tirrilassa moħħok, ma tistax twaqqaf il-qadd tal-estrus swing fuq dawk mhux ugwali li jdaħħluha kollha fuq wara!
The Magic Mirror Hard-boiled field shooting is a challenge for cosplayers who are good friends to challenge! If you can blow the tide before your friends, the prize money will be 50,000 yen, and if you lose, you will immediately get a vaginal shot! - If you relax your mind, you can't stop estrus waist swing on the unequaled that inserts it all the way to the back!