DHLD-006: Dan huwa dak li huwa infermier dedikat? Minħabba l-infermier sabiħ li jimsaħ ġismi (nipples) li ma nistax ngħum, Ji ● Po jilħaq il-limitu tal-paċenzja ... Xnigħat bħal dawn jinfirxu f'daqqa, u ħames anġli frustrati f'kowtijiet bojod jiġu fil-kamra tal-isptar biex jistimulaw il-beżżula tiegħi min-naħa tagħhom!
Is this what dedicated nursing is all about? Because of the beautiful nurse who wipes my body (nipples) that I can't bathe, Ji ● Po reaches the limit of patience ... Such rumors spread at once, and five frustrated angels in white coats come to the hospital room to stimulate my nipples in turn!