GAPL-019: - "Jekk jogħġbok ħallini npoġġi biss il-ponta" u nimmonitorja lit-tfajla dilettanti! - Reazzjoni ideali li tistiednek fil-kamra u tagħmlek mistħija meta l-attur ineħħi l-qalziet! Madankollu... Hekk kif daħlet fil-modalità erotika, hija wriet sess tremend u kienet tfajla pervertita tant li l-attur mhux ugwali ta.

- "Please let me put only the tip" and monitor the amateur girl! - An ideal reaction that invites you to the room and makes you shy when the actor takes off his pants! However... As soon as she entered erotic mode, she showed off tremendous sex and was a perverted girl so much that the unequaled actor gave away.

Data tal-Ħruġ: 04/01/2018
Ħin tar-runtime: 230 min
Studjo: Green Apple