SONE-155: - L-aħħar ferrovija tisparixxi fuq vjaġġ tan-negozju, u impjegat tar-rookie K-cup u maniġer tas-sezzjoni ta 'età medja huma waħedhom f'dar mistiedna boro. - Jekk tinnota, subordinata b'sider enormi li għandu istint femminili kien qed iħawwad sidirha u ġenbejha fuq il-boxxla tagħha. Minato Haryu
- The last train disappears on a business trip, and a K-cup rookie employee and a middle-aged section manager are alone at a boro guest house. - If you notice, a subordinate with huge breasts who has a female instinct was shaking her breasts and hips on her boss. Minato Haryu