SDNM-491: - Żewġha għandu propensità assoluta inġenwa. Koharu Miike, mara Hannari de M ta '34 sena mill-kapitali antika ta' Kyoto, Kapitolu 2 "Irrid inwaħħal b'mod aktar vjolenti" kostituzzjoni de M esposta minn spanking, Irama, u affari tal-qofol skewered 3P Mazoikase
- Her husband has an absolute naïve propensity. Koharu Miike, a 34-year-old Hannari de M wife from the ancient capital of Kyoto, Chapter 2 "I want to be blamed more violently" de M constitution exposed by spanking, Irama, and skewered 3P Mazoikase climax affair