DHLD-008: - Meta mort f'ħanut tal-esthetic tal-irġiel li kien rumored li kellu biss nisa sbieħ, Ji ● Po kien f'xifer li joħroġ minħabba t-trattament erotiku wisq tas-sorijiet! Barra minn hekk, stajt nagħmel produzzjoni ħajja bil-whisper tal-iżvilupp ta 'Alla li "Ma ngħidx il-maħżen"!

- When I went to a men's esthetic shop that was rumored to have only beautiful women, Ji ● Po was on the verge of outbursting due to the sisters' too erotic treatment! Moreover, I was able to do a live production with the whisper of God development that "I don't tell the store"!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 11/01/2024
Ħin tar-runtime: 130 min
Studjo: OFFICE K'S