GCF-008: Aħna se nnaqqsu l-ispiża tal-utilitajiet, allura jekk jogħġbok ilbes l-uniformi pprovduta lilek mil-lum biex taħdem Dak li ngħata lill-impjegata femminili subordinata tiegħi kienet speċifikazzjoni stramba iper cool u oxxena! Id-drapp suppost huwa rqiq u frisk, imma jien stramb u lanqas biss nista 'naħdem!

We will reduce the cost of utilities, so please wear the uniform provided to you from today to work What was given to my subordinate female employee was a see-through and obscene hyper cool biz specification! The fabric is supposed to be thin and cool, but I'm strangely and I can't even work!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 05/01/2019
Ħin tar-runtime: 160 min
Studjo: Fitch