SORA-556: Tifla li ma tridx tidher iżda għandha propensità li tidher Meta ddur għarwien fl-iskola biex issolvi fenomenu stramb, tidher mikxufa minn spirtu li jdur, u l-biża 'u l-mistħija jitħalltu, u hi urinati u estrus ... Aiho Tin

A girl who doesn't want to be seen but has a propensity to be seen When she wanders naked in the school to solve a strange phenomenon, she is seen naked by a wandering spirit, and fear and shame are mixed, and she urinates and estrus ... Aiho Tin

Data tal-Ħruġ: 09/03/2024
Ħin tar-runtime: 136 min
Attriċi: Suzu Aiho
Studjo: Yama to Sora