MIAB-311: Illum m'għandix bżonn flus, allura nibqa 'miegħek ġejt mistieden minn mara tas-sala li taf biss il-wiċċ bil-lejl, u fil-ħin mingħajr restrizzjonijiet fuq il-flus u l-miżati ta' estensjoni, kelli data b'wiċċi mikxuf minn filgħodu, u mbagħad jien biss sparat vaġinali fil-lukanda. Tsukinoe Sui
I don't need money today, so I'll stay with you I was invited by a lounge lady who only knows the face at night, and in the time without restrictions on money and extension fees, I had a date with my bare face from the morning, and then I just vaginal shot at the hotel. Tsukinoe Sui