UMSO-569: - Ġejt immexxi minn marti u sirt missier wieħed, allura kont f'perjodu popolari! Kumpilazzjoni li kienet dipendenti fuq affari f'nofs il-ġurnata ma 'ħbieb omm fil-viċinat li ssimpatizzaw mal-familja pitiful missier-tifel u ħadu ħsiebhom (6)

- I was run away by my wife and became a single father, so I was in a popular period! A compilation that was addicted to an affair in the middle of the day with mom friends in the neighborhood who sympathized with the pitiful father-child family and took care of them (6)

Data tal-Ħruġ: 09/24/2024
Ħin tar-runtime: 240 min
Studjo: K M Produce