RTP-074: Il-miżati tal-lukandi qed jogħlew minħabba l-influss ta 'mistednin barranin! In-neputija tiegħi kontra qalbi ġiet toqgħod id-dar tiegħi. - Madankollu, kont stordut b'ħajti mingħajr banju! Anke jekk qalulek, "Tħarisx lejha!" ... Meta kont qed inħares lejn il-ġisem tan-neputija tiegħi li kien kiber ...
Hotel fees are soaring due to the influx of foreign guests! My niece reluctantly came to stay at my house. - However, I was stunned by my life without a bath! Even if you are told, "Don't look at it!" ... When I was looking at my niece's body that had grown up ...