RTP-031: Oħti tinsab f'nofs il-pubertà u hija kurjuża dwar ġisem raġel! - It-tfal ta' madwarha diġà kellhom lil H mal-għarus tagħha żmien ilu, iżda oħtha li hija profonda tidher li għadha mingħajr esperjenza. Forsi minħabba s-sabar tiegħi, ikkonfoffajt f'ħija dwar l-inkwiet sesswali tiegħi, allura meta għallimtu bil-mod, huwa beda jċajpar u qajjem ...

My sister is in the middle of puberty and is curious about a man's body! - The children around her have already had H with her boyfriend a long time ago, but her sister who is deep seems to be inexperienced yet. Perhaps because of my impatience, I confided in my brother about my sexual troubles, so when I gently taught him, he started to blush and blushed ...

Data tal-Ħruġ: 09/02/2014
Ħin tar-runtime: 130 min
Studjo: .DOC