NEOS-009: Stalking 09 Ferrovija toqrob lejn tfajla sabiħa b'xagħar iswed tleqq u letteratura tan-nuċċalijiet li ġġib ruħha sew liebsa uniformi. - U ssegwiha lejn id-dar u tinvadi l-voyeurism permezz tal-vojt fit-tieqa u torqod stupru. - Meta tkun qed tilgħab waħedha waqt li tidħaq b'mod innoċenti fil-park, terġa' tattakka u lilha.
Stalking 09 Train approaching a beautiful girl with glossy black hair and well-behaved glasses literature wearing a uniform. - And she follows her to the house and invades voyeurism through the gap in the window and sleeps rape. - When she is playing alone while laughing innocently in the park, she attacks again and her.