MBM-885: Għandu jkun is-Sur / Ms ta 'ommi.! !! Tagħmilx hekk... Kuntrarju għall-kliem li interrompajt darba u ħadt ħalqi, in-nifs ○ li jispiċċa mingħajr kontroll huwa adorabbli ... Il-ħsibijiet tal-omm jaqsmu l-imħabba Crazy fil-familja li qasmet il-linja 12th kapitlu Att 8
It has to be my mother's Mr./Ms.! !! Don't do that... Contrary to the words that I interrupted once and poked my mouth, the breath ○ that runs out of control is adorable ... Mother's thoughts intersect Crazy love in the family that crossed the line 12th chapter Act 8