SDJS-021: Bħala riżultat ta 'verifika serja mill-impjegati nisa SOD ta' "Liema parti tal-ġisem in-nisa jħossu l-aktar meta jiġu lagħqa?", Il-ponta ratba tal-ilsien ittejjeb is-sensazzjoni sesswali u tirdoppja l-pjaċir, u ddum aktar minn 10 orgażmi bħala medja f'2 minuti! Rapport tal-Laboratorju tas-Sessoloġija SOD 10

As a result of serious verification by SOD female employees of "Which part of the body do women feel the most when they are licked?", The soft tip of the tongue enhances the sexual sensation and doubles the pleasure, and lasts more than 10 orgasms on average in 2 minutes! SOD Sexology Lab Report 10

Data tal-Ħruġ: 05/09/2019
Ħin tar-runtime: 130 min
Studjo: SOD Create