SABA-907: "Tajjeb biss għal mument, allura jekk jogħġbok ħallini ndaħħlu !!" Tajjeb li zija bħali tkun l-ewwel Sur./Ms....?" Alla serjament !! Jekk tista 'taċċetta bil-mod ix-xewqat ta' verġni mnikkta, il-kompatibilità ww hija tajba wisq u n-nisa li jħalluni jkolli pinzell ta 'sparatura vaġinali mhux ipproċessata SESS SP2
"It's good just for a moment, so please let me insert it!!" Is it okay for an Mr./Ms. like me to be new to you...?" Seriously Goddess!! If you can gently accept the wishes of the troubled virgin, ww compatibility is too good and the wives who let me have raw vaginal shot brush down SEX SP2