SONE-272: Matul il-vaganzi ta 'tmiem is-sena u l-Ewwel tas-Sena, hemm biss żewġ studenti nisa u ziju Mr./Ms. maniġer f'dormitorju kbir ta' studenti ... Raġel ta 'età medja li uża għal sitwazzjoni pprojbita ● Tfajla li riedet timla s-solitudni tagħha b'Po ● Dan kien kompatibbli wisq u kompla jingħaqad. Kokoro Asano
During the year-end and New Year holidays, there are only two female students and an uncle Mr./Ms. manager in a large student dormitory ... A middle-aged man who lusted for a forbidden situation ● A young girl who wants to fill her loneliness with Po ● This is too compatible and continued to merge. Kokoro Asano