NNPJ-084: - Ġib mara popolari tal-boobs J-cup li taħdem f'ħanut famuż ta 'speċjalità cosplay f'Kawa ○ fid-dar tagħha u tieħu sparatura moħbija. - Għamilt l-atti kollha ta' multa ta' miljun yen li ma stajtx nagħmel fil-maħżen u ħriġt AV mingħajr permess. It-tieni persuna
- Bring a popular J-cup boobs lady who works at a famous cosplay specialty store in Kawa ○ to her home and take a hidden shot. - I did all the acts of a fine of 1 million yen that I could not do at the store and released AV without permission. 2nd person