SCOP-344: Jien verġni, u l-jum qabel l-ewwel data tiegħi magħha, nitlob lil oħti biex tkun mejda tal-prattika tas-sess. Naturalment, ma kontx suppost indaħħalha, imma oħti, li eċitat għax ħassitha tajba bil-koxox vojta tagħha, poġġiet f'"Nyurun" u Ji ● Po ...

I'm a virgin, and the day before my first date with her, I ask my sister to be a sex practice table. Of course, I wasn't supposed to insert it, but my sister, who got excited because she felt good with her bare thighs, put in "Nyurun" and Ji ● Po ...

Data tal-Ħruġ: 11/13/2015
Ħin tar-runtime: 160 min
Studjo: K M Produce