RTP-061: Il-puplesija tas-sħana tkompli sseħħ minħabba s-sħana intensa kuljum! F'nofs dan kollu, l-iskola tagħna ħolqot b'mod urġenti regola tal-iskola msejħa "Super Cool Biz"! Jekk tħares madwarek, tista 'tara l-ġisem żviluppat disgustanti tat-tifla! F'sitwazzjoni bħal din, m'hemm l-ebda mod kif nista' nikkonċentra fil-klassi, u kull darba li nara tifla, jien ...

Heat stroke continues to occur due to the intense heat every day! In the midst of all this, our school urgently created a school rule called "Super Cool Biz"! If you look around, you can see the girl's disgustingly developed body! In such a situation, there is no way I can concentrate in class, and every time I see a girl, I ...

Data tal-Ħruġ: 12/01/2015
Ħin tar-runtime: 125 min
Studjo: .DOC