GDTM-102: B'saħħtu ● Reverse cuckolding Raġel li bil-moħbi kellu sentimenti għalih (ħuh il-kbir, junior fil-kumpanija, anzjan fil-kulleġġ ...) - Mara li hija għira għall-ingaġġ u ssaħħaħ bil-moħbi ħdejn il-mara li hija impenjata ● Mara li tagħmel sparatura vaġinali u żerriegħa

Strong ● Reverse cuckolding A man who secretly had feelings for him (older brother, junior in the company, senior in college ...) - A woman who is jealous of the engagement and secretly strengthens next to the woman who is engaged ● A woman who makes vaginal shot and seeds

Data tal-Ħruġ: 12/07/2015
Ħin tar-runtime: 195 min
Attriċi: Nanase Hazuki
Studjo: Golden Time