GDTM-114: Matul ir-reġistrazzjoni tal-programm rumanz li qed jixxandar fuq NO○○V, żewġ tfajliet dilettanti b'sider enormi kellhom sess mingħajr permess u ġew xkaffati minkejja li kien ipprojbit, u għalhekk ġie rilaxxat bħala AV mingħajr permess bħala kastig

During the recording of the romance program being broadcast on NO○○V, two amateur girls with huge breasts had sex without permission and were shelved even though it was prohibited, so it was released as an AV without permission as a punishment

Data tal-Ħruġ: 02/07/2016
Ħin tar-runtime: 130 min
Attriċi: An Ayumi
Studjo: Golden Time