SCOP-379: Hemm għajdut li hemm sexcaba li qed tagħmel il-lejl downtown vivaċi x'imkien f'Tokyo! Għaliex huwa biss dak il-maħżen f'din ir-riċessjoni msejħa riċessjoni!? Is-servizz lascivious rumored verament jeżisti? Huwa biss ħanut rip-off? It-tim SCOOP jinvestiga bir-reqqa!

There is a rumor that there is a sexcaba that is making the downtown night lively somewhere in Tokyo! Why is it only that store in this recession called recession!? Does the rumored lascivious service really exist? Is it just a rip-off shop? The SCOOP team investigates thoroughly!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 04/08/2016
Ħin tar-runtime: 260 min
Studjo: K M Produce