UMSO-054: - Innegozja dehriet ma 'rġiel u nisa dilettanti li huma ħbieb reali, taparsi "Is-sitwazzjoni ta' mħabba tal-istudenti tal-kulleġġ ta 'Imadoki", u tivverifika bir-reqqa "Il-ħbiberija bejn l-irġiel u n-nisa tista' tinqered bil-qawwa tal-flus?"! Missjoni erotika sfidata minn żewġ persuni li normalment ma jurux l-għerusija tagħhom lil xulxin! Iż-żewġ persuni li qed jixxenqu bejn il-mistħija u x-xewqa verament se jaqsmu l-linja?
- Negotiate appearances with amateur men and women who are real friends, pretend to be "Imadoki's college student's love situation", and thoroughly verify "Can the friendship between men and women be destroyed by the power of money?"! An erotic mission challenged by two people who don't usually show their nakedness to each other! Will the two people who are swaying between shame and desire really cross the line?