UMSO-059: F'intervista fit-triq tal- "Awareness Survey of New Members" meħuda waqt li kienet qed takkumpanja anzjan (♀), impjegat ġdid (♂) ħareġ bħala "verġni b'esperjenza żero fid-dating mas-sess oppost"! - L-anzjan li ma jistax jaħbi s-sorpriża tiegħu fil-qrar ineħħi l-ġilda tiegħu għat-tkabbir ta' junior daqshekk pitiful? 2
In a street interview of the "Awareness Survey of New Members" taken while accompanying a senior (♀), a new employee (♂) came out as "a virgin with zero experience in dating with the opposite sex"! - Will the senior who can not hide his surprise at the confession take off his skin for the growth of such a pitiful junior? 2