GIGL-308: Madwar 30% tas-subien li trabbew bl-imħabba tikka minn ommhom, li qatgħu qalbhom mill-imħabba u l-moda fid-djar b'omm waħda, ma setgħux jirrifjutaw anke jekk ommhom, li tilfet ir-raġuni tagħha qabel il-mestrwazzjoni, talbitha tbus u tagħmel sess mill-qrib daqs li kieku kienet maħbuba 2
About 30% of boys who grew up with doting love from their mother, who gave up on love and fashion in single-mother households, could not refuse even if their mother, who lost her reason before menstruation, asked her to kiss and have close sex as if she were lovers 2