JKSR-237: Taf id-dettalji ta 'din il-mara, Mr./Ms.? Mr./Ms. ta 'klassi tal-mudell tar-riġel sabiħa twila ta' 173cm li tgħix f'Suginami Ward u mara busty G-cup ta 'Depaga attiva li tgħix f'Meguro Ward jinsabu fl-estrus! Għaliex 'il-moħbi de M li jberbaq tant li huwa misħut qawmien'? L-istorja kollha.
Do you know the details of this wife, Mr./Ms.? Mr./Ms. of a 173cm tall beautiful leg model class living in Suginami Ward and a G-cup busty wife of active Depaga living in Meguro Ward are in estrus! Why did 'the hidden de M who sprees so much that it is cursed awaken'? The whole story.