HUNTA-171: - Tfajla busty traxxendenti! - L-oħt li twieldet f'daqqa waħda hija tifla tal-iskola li tattendi skola tal-bniet super spear! - Jien dejjem super bla difiża u mhux mgħasses, allura nikseb erezzjoni kuljum bil-chillers tas-sider panchira u flickers tal-beżżula! Barra minn hekk, jien imbarazzat ngħid li huwa ftit kbir u ma nistax naħbi l-erezzjoni tiegħi!
- Transcendent busty girl! - The sister who was suddenly born is a school girl who attends a super spear girls' school! - I'm always super defenseless and unguarded, so I get an erection every day with panchira chest chillers and nipple flickers! Moreover, I'm embarrassed to say that is a little big and I can't hide my erection!