OKAX-118: It-tutur tiegħi huwa stramb! - Niftaħ il-qmis tiegħi wisq u nista' nara l-kbir tiegħi, niekol ġelat b'mod soggy u stramb, u qed inħares lejn l-AV tiegħi mingħajr permess u qed nikkossja l-crotch tiegħi, allura jekk jogħġbok għallimni nistudja aktar minn hekk ...

My tutor is weird! - I open my shirt too much and I can see my big, I eat ice cream in a soggy and strange way, and I'm looking at my AV without permission and I'm cossing my crotch, so please teach me to study more than that ...

Data tal-Ħruġ: 07/22/2016
Ħin tar-runtime: 240 min
Studjo: K M Produce