HUNTA-191: "Inqbadt minn familja ta 'raġel super spear u bqajt b'saħħtu! Fl-iskola, dejjem qed ikolli erezzjoni b'delużjonijiet erotiċi. Naturalment, il-crotch mhux użat. - Irċevejt stedina f'data minn tifla li hija idolu fil-klassi tiegħi! Barra minn hekk, mort dritt id-dar tagħha!

"I was caught by a super spear man family and stayed strong! At school, I'm always getting an erection with erotic delusions. Of course, the crotch is unused. - I received an invitation on a date from a girl who is an idol in my class! Moreover, I went straight to her home!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 08/19/2016
Ħin tar-runtime: 210 min
Attriċi: Megumi Shino
Studjo: Hunter