HUNTA-202: Skola part-time mimlija nisa żgħażagħ! Ġejt ibbuljat ● Waqajt mill-iskola u kont skola part-time bil-lejl ● Meta dħalt l-iskola, sħabi tal-klassi kienu mimlija nisa żgħażagħ li kienu ħafna akbar minni! 2 Barra minn hekk, kulħadd huwa s-Sur / Ms. attiv ● Jien, student tal-iskola, nidher innoċenti u ħelu, u sirt persuna popolari li nbidlet mill-iskola preċedenti tiegħi! Barra minn hekk, in-nisa żgħażagħ Mr./Ms. jidhru li huma frustrati ...

Part-time school full of young wives! I was bullied ● I dropped out of school and I was a part-time school at night ● When I entered the school, my classmates were full of young wives who were much older than me! 2 Moreover, everyone is Mr./Ms. active ● I, a school student, seem to be innocent and cute, and I have become a popular person who has changed from my previous school! Moreover, the young wives Mr./Ms. seem to be frustrated ...

Data tal-Ħruġ: 09/19/2016
Ħin tar-runtime: 230 min
Studjo: Hunter