HUNTA-205: - F'dar tal-ishma fejn jgħixu 11-il tifla tal-iskola runaway, raġel jinsab fi stat li jiekol waħdu! 2 Ma kelli l-ebda flus u mort bi prezz super irħis, iżda kienet dar tal-ishma fejn inġabru bniet tal-iskola li ħarbu mid-dar! Peress li jien l-uniku raġel, il-gwardji tal-bniet huma super maħlula u tista 'tara l-panchira & chest flicker kollha, allura huwa ftehim pjuttost tajjeb.
- In a share house where 11 runaway school girls live, a man is in a state of eating alone! 2 I had no money and moved in at a super cheap price, but it was a share house where school girls who ran away from home gathered! Since I'm the only man, the girls' guards are super loose and you can see all the panchira & chest flicker, so it's a pretty good deal.