HUNTA-201: Super fortunat !! Boobs kbar huma porori mill-għawm! - Fir-resort tal-ispa tar-rebbiegħa sħuna fejn qed tivvjaġġa, qed tilgħab ċajta ma' sħabek, u s-sider il-kbir tat-tfajliet li qed jiġġieldu għall-għawm huma rrumblati mill-għawm! Barra minn hekk, jien tant miġnun li ma ninnota l-ħarsa tiegħi xejn!
Super lucky!! Big boobs are porori from the swimsuit! - At the hot spring spa resort where you are traveling, you are playing a joke with your friends, and the big breasts of the girls who are fighting for swimsuits are rolled up from the swimsuits! Moreover, I'm so crazy that I don't notice my gaze at all!