HUNTA-207: - L-ewwel logħba king ma' sħabha tal-klassi naïve ta' bintha u missierha biss! Sħabi tal-klassi ta' binti nġabru fid-dar tiegħi fit-triq lejn id-dar mill-iskola. Minn fejn ġejt, kulħadd qed jilgħab il-logħba king! Kif mistenni, l-ordni kienet ħelwa, iżda bħala adult, ridt nitgħallem logħba king sħiħa ...

- The first king game with her daughter's naïve classmates and her father alone! My daughter's classmates gathered at my house on the way home from school. Where did you come from, everyone is playing the king game! As expected, the order was cute, but as an adult, I wanted to learn a full-fledged king game ...

Data tal-Ħruġ: 10/07/2016
Ħin tar-runtime: 295 min
Studjo: Hunter