HUNTA-217: - Meta mmur id-dar tal-ħabib tat-tfulija tiegħi, donnu waqqajt il-kuntatti tiegħi u qed infittex bil-qalziet fuq l-erba' kollha b'ħarsa sħiħa! - Meta kont qed infittex flimkien, kien hemm ħmar quddiemi! Irrid naraha eqreb! Hekk kif sirt eqreb u eqreb, wiċċi u crotch fl-aħħar ħabtu u ppanikjajt. Kien hemm ħoss diżgustanti fit-taħbit! Il-ħabib tat-tfulija tiegħi huwa ...
- When I go to the house of my childhood friend, I seem to have dropped my contacts and am searching with my pants on all fours in full view! - When I was looking for it together, there was an ass in front of me! I want to see it closer! As I got closer and closer, my face and crotch finally collided and I panicked. There was a nasty sound in the beat! My childhood friend is...