SDMU-396: Magic Mirror Ikseb fannijiet ta 'tensjoni super għolja tal-unità taż-żfin maskili fil-post tal-kunċert! - Jekk kont qed twieġeb l-inkwiet ta 'raġel Motenai minn fuq, il-pożizzjoni ġiet maqluba għal kbir li kien akbar mill-għarus tiegħek s'issa! - Konvulżjonijiet kontinwi daqs Nokesol fuq Ji Po li jilħaq l-utru li nesperjenza għall-ewwel darba!

Magic Mirror Get super high tension fans of the male dance unit at the concert venue! - If you were answering the worries of a Motenai man from above, the position was reversed to a big that was bigger than your boyfriend so far! - Continuous convulsions as much as Nokesol on Ji Po that reaches the uterus that I experience for the first time!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 11/10/2016
Ħin tar-runtime: 230 min
Studjo: SOD Create