XRW-234: - Jekk m'intix tajjeb fil-bews, ma togħġobx mill-għarus tiegħek, u int se ssir biex tużah bħala tabella ta 'prattika għall-aqwa ħabib tiegħek, u għandha tkun l-ewwel bewsa lesbjana bejn il-ħbieb, iżda ddur! Hekk kif ħabtet xofftejha u ħabbtet ilsienha u ħasdet lil xulxin, kbira mwaqqfa mill-koxox ta' Lindle ... - Żewġ persuni li ma jistgħux irażżnu l-eċċitament tagħhom iħalluh fiċ-ċans u jkollhom sess ta' sparatura vaġinali!

- If you are not good at kissing, you will be disliked by your boyfriend, and you will be made to use it as a practice table for your best friend, and it should be the first lesbian kiss between friends, but it turns around! As she overlapped her lips and entangled her tongue and caressed each other, a big erected from Lindle's crotch ... - Two people who can not suppress their excitement leave it to chance and have vaginal shot sex!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 11/25/2016
Ħin tar-runtime: 110 min
Studjo: K M Produce