OYC-080: Ħu l-pass u għamilha AV mingħajr permess! Ħabib super gustuż ġab lil Kawaiko-chan li kien diġà fi stat ta 'sokor olo! Wieħed minnhom huwa super għal qalbu, iżda l-ieħor għandu għarus u huwa mgħasses! Naturalment, il-logħba king super famuża hija miċħuda! Anke mara mgħassa bħal din hija super intensa, iżda jekk hija minuri [aktar u aktar logħba] ... 3

Take the plunge and make it AV without permission! A super handsome friend brought Kawaiko-chan who was already in a state of holo-drunkenness! One of them is super reluctant, but the other has a boyfriend and is guarded! Naturally, the super famous king game is rejected! Even such a guarded woman is super intense, but if it's a minor [more and more game] ... 3

Data tal-Ħruġ: 12/19/2016
Ħin tar-runtime: 245 min